It’s the gift that keeps on giving.
But, I don’t want to keep this gift for myself, which is why I’m sharing with you today.
It’s the gift called Training for Life.
Although I didn’t coin this term, I’ve spent the better part of 2023 contemplating the Training for Life philosophy and principles.
In fact, some of these ideas harken to Bill Phillips, former CEO of EAS and Muscle Media. He wrote the book Body for Life in 1999, and summarized his ideas in his magazine Muscle Media under the banners of ‘Nutrition for Life’ and ‘Training for Life’ where he presented his simple and effective 12-week program for body transformation.
Bill believed everyone could be a bodybuilder. And, he proved that theory by essentially creating the OG Transformation Challenges that are now a prolific part of the fitness industry. Bill was the first to recognize something no one else had: It’s about the combination of training and nutrition and supplementation to transform the body, but it’s more than the resulting body transformation.
In the bodybuilding world, it’s about bodybuilding, but it’s more than just bodybuilding – it is more than putting in weeks and months of dieting and training and putting on the competition suit to win a trophy or pro card or money.
In the powerlifting world, it’s more than the powerlifting training, hitting the competition platform, achieving PRs, making a national team or even lifting more than you might have last year.
So, if it’s not just about bodybuilding or powerlifting, then what might this more than actually be about, for you?
I believe, that it’s about moving beyond traditional goals, purpose or motivations.
It’s figuring out the pieces that collectively have helped you accomplish those goals you set for yourself – in bodybuilding or powerlifting – and creating your own personal template for training success beyond the stage or platform.
Now, I’ll be the first to say that it’s easier for most of us to train for something.
Something tangible, like an event – a bodybuilding or powerlifting competition.
Something big, like a milestone – a wedding or birthday.
Something with a deadline, like a challenge or race.
Yet, Training for Life is perhaps the most important kind of training one might ever undertake. It’s the kind of training that will be directly responsible for the cumulative successes of your physical, mental and emotional well being, for the long haul – for life!
Its definition is one that you, yourself will have to determine.
It will evolve.
And, even more importantly it just might change your life.
If you are open to learning more I’d like to help. I’ve set out to defineTraining for Life in ways that might resonate not only for myself, but for all of us in the Iron Sisterhood.
I hope you stick around in the coming weeks as I share what I’m uncovering as the 12 Avenues of Training for Life.
And, as always, if you find any of this useful please share with those Iron Sisters in your circle too.
Looking forward to diving deeper into Training For Life with you in 2024,
Coach Frances
P.S. Bill Phillips shared more about body and life transformation in his movie ‘Body of Work’. You can watch the documentary here: https://youtu.be/3cqDPE1rAIQ?si=WMrDyPCXOxSm5DHv as it’s sure to inspire and give you even more insight into Training for Life.
P.P.S. Perhaps your journey is still focused solely on powerlifting. If so, consider gifting yourself our curated Iron Sisters Squat, Bench & Deadlift Better courses. This three-course bundle is a comprehensive powerlifting experience compiled from multiple Strength Camps.
Use the code FINISHSTRONG2023 to save 50% off this Iron Sisters Strength Camp Three-Course SBD Better bundle.
You get immediate and life-time access to all three Iron Sisters Courses for only $149.
This is our way of encouraging you to stay the course – pun intended – with your lifting journey as we wrap up 2023.